Saturday, February 27, 2016

Buah Merah Mix / February 2016 update

I have been too busy with my part time work from November - January that I have neglected updating this blog. A few days/weeks ago, I've received email notifications of people commenting on my blog asking for an update after 2 months of taking Buah Merax Mix.

For the record, I started taking Buah Merax Mix on November 20 (Read my Day 1 post here). Has it really been 2 months since I started taking it? I checked my messages with the distributor for all my orders:

November 20 -  3 bottles
November 23 -  6 bottles
November 28 - 11 bottles
December 8 -   11 bottles
January 6 -        6 bottles
TOTAL:        37  bottles

From November to December, I was drinking 7 caps, 3 times a day so that's like 1 bottle a day. So in total, November to December was like 31 days of drinking concentrated Buah Merax Mix. In January, due to lack of funds, I've started taking a total of 7 caps a day or 1 bottle every 3 days. That's approximately 18 days. Just today, I've ordered and received 3 bottles for my personal consumption.

More or less, I've been drinking for approximately 1.5-2 months.


I will continue to drink Buah Merax Mix as my condition has really improved. I looked back at my very first post (Read: I'm in pain due to gallstones!) and I have never felt those anymore. I have not gone back to the hospital, either. I am now currently working and commuting to Pasig with no problem! I haven't been able to get an ultrasound done but I will have one done soon. I'll continue to take Buah Merax Mix on a regular basis and will continue to update everyone. Imagine, I skipped surgery for Buah Merax Mix!

Btw, I will soon be selling Buah Merax Mix and I will serve as a living testament to it's effectiveness. :)



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