Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Babysitting CC with my dad's help

Usually, CC is babysat by my in-laws from morning until 6PM as my husband J works and I have freelance jobs. Today was different. My MIL (mother-in-law) had to go to SSS to process her pension as she is now a senior citizen. My FIL (father-in-law) accompanied her, too, so CC was left with me and my dad.

As she is now fond of walking, we had to make sure that the area was safe. My dad had a great idea and we (CC and I) were all excited about it.

Using parts of CC's disassembled crib, floor mats from our room and strings used for whipping tops (trumpo), my dad was able to assemble this. It made our babysitting easier!

Dad tying the sides of the crib together 
while CC watches and Sab sleeps

CC enjoying her new playpen with some of her toys

Finally, CC sleeps!

My in-laws came home around 3 PM and got CC from our house. At around 6PM, I went to their house to get CC. 

Check out this video of her while she practices to walk:

Here's another video:

She's growing up too fast! Next thing I know, she'll start school! Good thing I made this blog so I can go back to these wonderful times. :)

Thanks for reading my post. See you soon!

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