Friday, November 27, 2015

CC is so makulit!

Babysitting day today again in our trusty portable playpen as the in-laws are still out.

See her laziness while playing/lying down:

After her lazy bout, she was doing something that caught my eye. Take a look at these 2 videos to see what she was trying to do. 

I don't know how she can be this makulit. Makulit can roughly be translated to naughty or playful, I guess. She's so energetic and just plainly being a child. I get fed up and think that maybe she got it from our beagle, Sabrina. LOL Many more years to go! Ha! Ha!

How about you, do you have videos of your child / baby being makulit or playful? Or maybe videos of them doing things that are unusual? Share the links in the comments section and I'll pick 5 (or 10 lol) and post them here in my blog. :)


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