Sunday, November 22, 2015

November 22: Sunday Family Day Part 2

This is a continuation of my earlier post. After we ate at Kenny Rogers Roasters at Glorietta, we went straight to SM Makati. 

We went to the restroom and the nearby breastfeeding station so I could nurse Chloe. I thought she was going to sleep as it's past her nap time. But, no, she just kept pushing and playing around that I just stopped nursing her. 

She was very naughty and was getting angry every time someone held her hand to assist her in walking. So I ended up tailing her to make sure to catch her when she loses her balance. Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough and her head hit the floor. She cried non-stop but we knew we could soothe her by buying her another Big Eyes stuffed toy from SM. We already bought the reindeer for her last week.

Check out this video of her (most of which are in Filipino) where she tries to choose a stuffed toy. It's actually between her choice of toy or her Aunt Cath's choice (unicorn) lol. 

We ended up getting the pink monkey this time! LOL

SM's Big Eyes Pink Monkey stuffed toy

We just went around SM and decided to go home early as we planned to go to Ayala Triangle to watch the Lights and Sounds display.

It rained around 4 PM and we weren't sure if we'll still be going. It stopped after a while and we decided to continue with our plan. 

At around 5:30PM, we started to head out from our house. I was with my husband, my daughter, my sister and our 2 dogs (beagle and a shih tzu).

I can never get a good picture of Sabrina (beagle) and Chola (shih tzu) especially when they are together. They are a playful duo!

We walked towards the direction of Ayala Triangle for a few minutes and when we've reached the Fire Station, C was already crying and rubbing her head - an indication that she was sleepy. We had to turn back as she wasn't stopping.

Our plan failed, however, it was a good thing that we tried to accomplish it. I didn't expect to walk that far, too. I felt good and it might be because I drink Buah Merah Mix.

I hope we can go next weekend to watch the Lights and Sounds Show. :)

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